Friday, June 15, 2012

Rainy Days

Its another rainy winters day today so that's another day inside going crazy!!
This is what our day has consisted of:

Fruit and egg 'toad in the holes' for breakfast.

Painting some tiny tootsies in rainbow. (A very special treat for a 3 year old)

 Painting some beautiful princess' while the babies were asleep. "I only need pink paint thanks Mum"
 The twins had a bit of a wrestle amongst the mess of toys. 

Poppy went a little crazy with some lip balm she found and every doll in the house ended up quiet sticky!

Then dressed up like a beautiful princess.

Now to see if we can stay up until 10pm to pick up Granny and Papa from the airport after not seeing them for 3 weeks...

Its going to be a loooong night!


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