Friday, October 19, 2012

Longford Show

I always try to enter something into our local show's home industries section. I think its a fantastic tradition to have a home industries section in the country shows and I would hate to see it die out because there wasn't enough entries.

This year between Poppy and I we have 14 entries. Poppy is entering:

Chocolate Crackles

Vegetable Person

And a necklace

 I'm entering: 
An Orange Cake

Cake of own choice (Carrot and Walnut)

 6 Hen eggs (from Pop's chooks)

 Tomato Relish

 Tomato Sauce

Raspberry Jam

 State Fruit Cake Competition

A Colour Print

A Black and white print. 

 Colour Print, Child

Its just a bit of fun and it will be exciting for Poppy to see her pieces on display on show day.

Wish us luck!!

1 comment:

I love that you have stopped by, and love reading your thoughts and opions, thanks for sharing. xx