Saturday, February 16, 2013

7/52 {Bath Time Edition}

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  

Rory and Alexis: There isn't much these two don't do side by side.

Poppy: Always reluctant to get in the bath but is soon chatting away to her Barbies and not wanting to get out. 

Linking up with the lovely Jodi.


  1. Wow seriously cute!!! Thank you for stopping by my blog... xxx

  2. Oh my that first photo of your two little ones is just beautiful, such stunning blue eyes they both have. Poppy has such a happy smile in her photo, Miss 9 loves to have dolls in the bath and will spend hours in the bath if she was allowed too. xx

  3. oh my aren't there eyes just the bluest of blues! gorgeous!

  4. Such cute girls you have! Love those blue eyes!

  5. Blue eyes and long lashes = divine!


I love that you have stopped by, and love reading your thoughts and opions, thanks for sharing. xx