Thursday, September 12, 2013


 I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, the same old problem of a million things to do and only so many hours in the day to do them. Not knowing where to start so sometimes not starting at all.

The best thing for me to do is pack up and head out for the day, a bunch of bananas, punnet or two of strawberries a few bottles of water and we were off for a few hours at the beach. 

My three would run, draw, dance, collect and play until they couldn't any more. 

Me? I would refresh and coming home with a fresh mind ready to conquer what ever the world throws at me. 

Do you need to 'refresh' sometime?

What do you do to unwind?

Happy Thursday! x


  1. feeling the same after cleaning our girls' room. I'd like to cry!

  2. Oh dear, a girl's room are something not to be tackled lightly! Hopefully you had a bit of down time this afternoon. xx


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