Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Stills

We made plans and a piñata for an up coming birthday

I juiced, and juiced, and juiced... (I recommend this movie)

They fed the lambs

They pushed and shoved to be fed

He helped in the garden

We baked and ate orange cake

I can't believe Poppy only has two more days of school and she is on holidays, this term has flown. We are off on a little holiday at the end of the week which is way over due. The twins had their first night in big beds this week which didn't go as well as hoped (no surprises there), so its back to cots for a few weeks until we get back into routine and I can handle less sleep a bit better.

How was your week?
Do you have anything planned for the holidays?
Has the year flown for you?

Happy Sunday! x

Joining in with the beautiful Em at The Beetle Shack


  1. Fabulous pinata - that's sure to be a big hit
    Loving the little lambs - such sweet faces
    I cannot believe we are finishing up term 3...

  2. That orange cake looks divine.
    I am putting off the transition to a big boy bed. I love my sleep...and I sleep better knowing that he is secure in his cot!


I love that you have stopped by, and love reading your thoughts and opions, thanks for sharing. xx