Friday, October 25, 2013

Blog Lovin'

Many of my readers aren't 'blog' readers in general. When recently talking to some of my readers I was surprised to see their reaction when I said there are thousands of other blogs out there, they had no idea, thinking there was only a handful of us crazies that share their lives with a bunch of strangers.

So I thought on this windy Friday afternoon while my babies (Can I still call them that now they're two?) are sleeping and my big girl is quietly playing with her dolls, that I would share a handful of my favourite blog reads.

Nothing But Delicious (Warning will make you hungry)

Have a look around, find some inspiration, spread the love.

Have a great weekend. x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. Not that long ago, I was like one of those readers you described. x


I love that you have stopped by, and love reading your thoughts and opions, thanks for sharing. xx