Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekly Stills

 She entered and won lots of bits and pieces in the show.

 Our roses started to bloom

 She jumped, back flipped and star jumped. 

 I baked, and baked, and baked.

 We enjoyed all the fun of our local show

Strawberries started to appear

This happened, and it about to happen in 5 minutes. 

Poppy did so well with all her exhibited in the show this year, I'm so proud of her for taking time to appreciate other exhibits not just her own and doing such a good job in all her categories.

Lots of terrible two tantrums this week, I'm so over them and open to any fancy ideas anyone has to offer me on how to cope with them! "Double the trouble" really comes into affect at the age of two!

Ok where is my bartender (Tommy) to make me a drink.

Happy Sunday!! 

Joining in with the beautiful Em at The Beetle Shack


  1. Passionfruit slice - yummo! That really takes me back :-)

  2. The juicer looks like a rocket about to take off.Love those clown games, even though they look a bit scary!


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