Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Book Week

 This week is book week, and most schools in our area have a day where you can dress up as a character from your favorite book.

This year Alexis went as 'Little Red Riding Rood', Rory went as 'The Grumpy Bear' and Poppy went as the Ladybug from "What The Lady Bug Heard Again"

 Poppy was a little hesitant about dressing up she didn't want her outfit to be 'baby-ish' but loved it when we put it all together, and was so excited when I said she could wear a bit of red lippy.

Alexis has a rhyming story of Little Red Riding Hood that she loves, and decided that most the other girls would go as princesses so she wanted to be different, and as Poppy was aloud to wear lippy, she insisted she needed to as well.

I thought I would be able to convince Rory to go as the Lumber Jack from Little Red Riding Hood, (because who doesn't love twins that match!), but he had his heart set on The Grumpy Bear (the same as last years costume), because he said it was 'warm and cosy', fair enough.

They had assemblies where they showed the rest of the school their costumes, and went to their 'buddy' class rooms to share the fun.

What a fun week to get children reading and sharing their favorite books!

Happy Book Week! xx


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