Monday, April 30, 2018


On Anzac day, Tom had the day off and as Poppy was away with her Pop, we decided to take the Twins on a little road trip to Devonport, which is about an hour away from where we live.

There is a great park right on the water, and with the tide being low, the beach was great for rock climbing and finding crabs and other sea goodies. We could hear the twins giggling away and when I asked them what they were laughing at, they said they were finding the red squishies on the rocks and making them 'wee'.

We took a walk along the water and went out to see the 'king of the sea' statue. Alexis said he looked like Ariel's Dad from the movie. 

We went to The Hill Street grocer and met a friend there for lunch. After we did a little shopping and then headed to Latrobe as we wanted to go to a store called 'Reliquare' but being was Anzac day it wan't open.

Instead we played around and took some funny pictures in Latrobe, before heading back home. The twins slept all the way home.

A fun little day out, and some special time spent with my cheeky two.



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