Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Poor Rory, not only does he have to live in a house with three girls while Daddy is away working but we also love to dress him up. 
I always said to myself when we found out we were having twins that I would never dress them the same, especially as we didn't find out what we were having I was imagining two boys or girl looking the same, I have totally broken that rule and I match poor Alexis and Rory all the time, it is just SO god dam cute!!

Rory is such a happy little fellow and just goes with the flow and seems to love all the attention he gets when Poppy and I find another way to dress him up. 
I guess what is funny/cute now wont be in a few years when he is big enough to look back at the photos!!
 Rory with a mo.
 As a pilot.
 His new birthday cap.
 Mini Masterchef.
 With Granny Vicki in his 'flat cap'
 A bow tie for his birthday party.
 Matching with Alexis in Owl Beanies.
 Captain hat.
Their matching sailors outfits, Oh I just can not wait till they are big enough!!
Oh dear, Poor babies with a crazy Mumma!


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